Quote from their website:
The purpose of this site is to bring together varied and disparate sources of data including books, webpages, magazines and personal records and present this data in a homogeneous manner, allowing the user to search for data in context, i.e. not in just a 'dry' statistical manner. However, to achieve this 'grand' aim, I need your help! Data sources, anecdotes, photographs, trainspotting logs etc... will all be welcome.
Quote from their website:
Hard to classify site but a treasure trove for GWR modelers!
Photographers Resource / Railways Section
Quote from their website:
This new magazine, is a library of magazines, so specialist magazines on a range of interests, that all join together and share their valuable resources. So building on what we have done over the 162 editions to date of Photographers Resource, where as well as a magazine, all articles, information, reference and more is all indexed a number of ways, so always available. Already within Photographers Resource we have doorways for special interests, so the person interested in windmills has their own entry point and section pages, as do lighthouses and a range of others. The new magazine is more than this, and covers so many other areas away from heritage, days out, photography and our ever popular 'what's on' diary.
Quote from their website:
A website explaining the signs and signals relevant to train drivers on Britain’s national rail network, past and present.
.......learn about the many different signs and signals that appear by the side of Britain's mainline railways for the purpose of conveying information or instructions to train drivers. The object of this website is to illustrate, and explain the meaning of, every signal indication or lineside sign that exists today or has existed in the past. Never before has all this information, which includes historical details as well as modern regional variations and 'one offs', been brought together and made available from a single point of reference.